The discussion that follows is generic in nature


How does Travel Insurance generally work?

How do I decide if I need it?

Can I wait and get it later?

What if I have a pre-existing condition, 
will it cover it?

These are great questions!

I decided to share some facts as they relate to Travel Insurance, as it applies to our Pilgrimage.   These are general principles that may or may not apply to the actual coverage you elect to obtain

🔹Perhaps you can read this first so that it can prepare you to ask good questions of Altour Travel when you Register.🔹





Travel Insurance is a common way to protect an investment to go to the Holy Land.  Insurance companies are happy to provide coverage for a fee.  Some people take advantage of it, others do not.  Each must decide the risk they wish to bear on this issue.   Travel Insurance can be purchased any time, including just before flight time - however, pre-existing conditions are only covered when purchased at the time of tendering the deposit.  Travel Insurance premiums are never refundable, even if the deposits are refundable, because coverage begins when you tender the premium.

Pre-existing Conditions -

If you have a pre-existing condition that presently permits you to travel, but that with time gets worse and prevents your travel on the departure date - you will have refundable to you, whatever portion of your payments is covered by insurance.  For Pre-existing conditions coverage, you must purchase travel insurance within 10 or so days of tendering the first deposit.  This is a fairly standard rule.   If you elect to obtain insurance later, then all new conditions are covered but not previous, pre-existing ones.

Partially Refundable Deposit  

Until the final payment date, you can cancel for any reason, or no reason at all and get most of your deposit back.   Ask for your money back and you will receive all of the Deposit, minus the cancellation fee.

The cancellation fee is $350 - much less than other Pilgrimages.

Remember, that travel insurance premiums are not refundable, so those monies don’t come back.  However, an insured person might be able to file a claim to recover the cancellation fee, if cancellation was for an insurance covered reason.   If you are using only the LAND booking, then your non-refundable flight cost may be subject to forfeiture, unless your flight was covered by insurance.

After Final Payment Date -

After that date, your money becomes distributed to the trip, and if you wish any portion of it back for any reason - the only method by which you can receive a refund is by filing a Travel Insurance Claim.

Standard Provisions -

The above is very standard for group travel to international destinations.  However, it is possible that you can negotiate something different with an insurance company on your own.

🔸Don’t simply rely on what is written above, as each situation requires its own approach to insurance. Please ask all your questions regarding this topic directly to Altour Travel when you register.🔸

I found this site a good unrelated resource.  Good general information.  

(I do not warrant anything they say, just seems like good info).

just click on the picture to go to the website.